How to get to Stonewell Cottages & Vineyards

Stonewell Cottages is located 4km from the town of Tanunda on Stonewell Road, in the regional area of Stonewell. Please be aware that the property is in a rural location and is not within walking distance of Tanunda. As this is a regional area, there are no footpaths or street lights in the immediate area. We recommend you coming with your own car, or a hire car. Do not allow your GPS to take you via any dirt roads, stay on sealed roads at all times. If you do not have a car, you will need to rely on taxi services or book one of our recommended Barossa tour companies.

Address: 373 Stonewell Road, Stonewell.

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Find your suite or cottage on the Stonewell property

The Haven Cottage and the Hideaway Cottage are both accessed via the main Stonewell Road entrance way.

The Haven Cottage is the first building you will come to and contains Haven Spa Suite 1 and 2. Parking and entrance for Haven Spa Suite 1 is on the left-hand side and for Haven Spa Suite 2, parking and entrance is on the right-hand side.

The Hideaway Cottage is the second building, the one closest to the water.

Cupid's Cottage is not accessed via the main Stonewell Road entrance way, it has it's own entrance which is accessed via the nearby side road, Mattiske Road. If you are travelling down Stonewell Rd from a southerly direction and you have arrived at the main entranceway, continue past this entrance and go another 230m further along Stonewell Rd and take the next road to the right, Mattiske Rd. If you are travelling from a northerly direction, turn left off of Stonewell Rd, onto Mattiske Rd, before getting to the main Stonewell Rd entrance way. Entrance driveway for Cupid's is 350m down Mattiske Rd on the right. You will see another large brown sign and stone entrance way.

Directions from Adelaide

There are a number of routes that you can take from the Adelaide Airport to the Barossa. We suggest the following route via the Northern Expressway as the easiest and most direct way. Travel time is approximately 1 hr 15 minutes, distance 85km

Directions from Tanunda

Departing from the Tanunda Post Office in the main street (Murray Street), head north-east 270m and turn left onto Elizabeth St.

Veer immediately right onto Bilyara Rd (which is just before the small park with rotunda).

At the end of Bilyara Rd, veer right onto Langmeil Rd.

Go 350m and take the next turn left over the bridge onto Smyth Road. Travel 2km till the end of Smyth Rd, where you will come to a T-junction. Turn right onto Stonewell Road.

Continue 1km on Stonewell Road (going over the hill) and then on the right you will see a large brown sign with the Stonewell Cottages blue logo and stone entrance way - this is the driveway entrance for the Haven Spa Suites and the Hideaway Cottage. For Cupid's Cottage, continue another 230m further along Stonewell Road, past the main entrance and take the next road to the right, Mattiske Road. Entrance driveway for Cupid's is 350m down this road on the right. You will see another large brown sign and stone entrance way.

GPS coordinates

For stress-free navigation, when making your way to Stonewell Cottages, if you select 'shortest route', do not allow your GPS to take you via any dirt roads, stay on sealed roads at all times.

In order for the GPS to locate the correct part of Stonewell Rd, enter in the address as Stonewell Road, Stone Well (not Tanunda).

Latitude -34.499298. Longitude 138.944108.

Haven Spa Suites and Hideaway Cottage
S34° 29. 958’   E138° 56. 650’

Cupid’s Cottage
S34° 29. 915’    E138° 56. 920’