Bike Hire
Standard hybrid bikes and Premium Bosch electric bikes are available for hire (for our guests staying at Stonewell Cottages only) delivered direct to your door. Delivered at 9am. Collected at 5pm. At least 24 hours notice is required. Please be sure to read the terms and conditions below and email the signed form to us after placing you order.
Bike hire rates:
Standard bike $75 per bike per day
Electric bike $150 per bike per day
Provided with the bikes:
Bike locks
Terms and Conditions for Hire:
Bike hire is charged in full at the time of booking. Cost of hire will not be refunded if you decide not to use the bikes after they have been delivered. Other cancellation terms apply. You are required to take care of bikes and the equipment provided and will be liable for any damage. Please read the Barossa Bike Hire Terms And Conditions and email the signed form to relax@stonewellcottages.com.au after you have placed your order.
Where to ride:
Click here for more information about bike trails and where to ride in the Barossa.
Download the Barossa By Bike Map to see all of the trails and plan your ride around the region. Barossa-By-Bike-Map